Saturday 30 November 2013

Result of Type two Manglik Dosh for marriage life :

When the Mars is situated in fourth house in any person's horoscope than this is the type two Manglik Dosh. In this type of Manglik Dosh if marriage get without Mars matching horoscope,  his health and wealth will be fall down day by day and he will not get pleasure of house, social status, property, vehicle and house. His education will be block or he will not complete his education. He face to familiar disputes between wife, parents and brother-sisters. His propriety will be taken by family members. He visits here and there is search of job. He can face legal matter toward life partner. He faces heart and lungs related disease.

Dr. Brahamdutt Sharma
Ph.D. (Astro)
Ph.D. (Pol. Science) M.A. M.phil, Net, LL.B.,
D-10-C, Jamuna Nagar, Sodala, Jaipur-302019, 
Mobile : +91 93148 78977, +91 93515 93577
Websites : 

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